简介:《卫报》(The Guardian)建立了独特的大学 排名评估方法,与其他一些排名榜有所区别。《卫报》的排名榜是按照全国学生普查(National Student Survey,NSS)对即将毕业的本科生所作的调查的结果计分的,主要按照学生对有关大学的教学等方面的评价打分,从某种程度上而言具有相对的客观性。《卫报》排名榜的主要目的是协助打算上大学本科的学生挑选科目,因此该排名清楚的显示了学生与教职员的素质以及大学研究与教学的水平。《卫报》的排名榜也详细列出各大学不同科目的排名。
University of Oxford
University of Warwick
University of Bath
City University London
University College London
London School of Economics and Political Science
University of St Andrews
University of Bristol
University of Strathclyde
University of Leicester
Coventry University
Loughborough University
University of Leeds
University of Birmingham
Lancaster University
University of Glasgow
University of Reading
Cardiff University
Durham University
School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London
Heriot-Watt University
University of Edinburgh
University of Sunderland
University Of Exeter
University of Manchester
Bath Spa University
Aston University
University of Kent
Robert Gordon University
University of Surrey
University of Buckingham
University of Southampton
University of Huddersfield
Bournemouth University
Oxford Brookes University
Newcastle University
The University of Nottingham
University of Chester
University of East Anglia
University of Stirling
University of Greenwich
Northumbria University
Royal Holloway, University of London
Brunel University
University of Dundee
University of Northampton
Queen s University Belfast
University of York
University of Portsmouth
King's College London London
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